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Writer's pictureBob Gustafson

Ministry in Kenya

Esther and her daughter Mwende

Esther Hall

Esther Hall is the Africa Regional Director for Going Global Inc. She has been involved with global missions for 25 years in over 20 countries. She is excited to share her gifting and experiences to mobilize the Church, stateside and abroad, to do the work of the ministry. As the African Regional Director, Esther continues to spearhead ministry partnerships and development in the areas of training rural pastors, children's ministry projects including orphans, and building vital ministry links to encourage families including widows and women.

Ministry school graduation

Kibera Slum Ministry School

Since 2000 Esther has worked with Timothy, who is a pastor in Kibera, which is the largest slum in all of Africa. Timothy started a ministry school in Kibera, where currently 67 students are being trained to serve the local church. Your support makes it possible to provide the needed books for the students and some scholarship money for them to complete the school.

Trauma healing training

Trauma Healing Training

This past month, Esther hosted a team from the United States who served alongside her and Regina. The mission trip focused on trauma healing training, children’s outreaches, and children’s ministry training.

Youth leading worship

Christ Covenant Church

Pastor Regina leads this ministry that is unique in its mission to reach young people. The church is now spreading into homes, where they worship and share the Word of God. The church also has a ministry school, where low income youth have the opportunity to grow in their relationship with Jesus.

Keumbu Children’s Home

Keumbu Children’s Home

Keumbu Children's Home in Kisii has served over 100 children and teens throughout its years of ministry. Pastor Abel and his wife Jane have faithfully served the lost and forgotten. Your support allows Going Global Inc. to stand with them to bring hope, education. and family to these needy children.

Construction on the ministry center in Kibera

Kibera Slum Children’s Ministry

Pastor Susan is leading a weekly Bible study and children’s club in Kibera. Her ministry building was falling apart and in desperate need of expansion. Together we have linked arms to help rebuild this cramped space into a two-story ministry center in the middle of the slum. We are grateful for Susan’s heart to serve children who are desperate to experience God’s love.

Pastors’ conference on Zoom

Pastors and Ministry Leaders’ Conference

Every couple of months, Going Global Inc. and Pastor Peter Wanyonyi from Upper Room Grace Church in Kitale host a pastors and ministry leaders conference. We encourage these pastors with good food and teaching to equip them for serving their community. We are grateful for the pastors that joined us in Kenya and those who served through teaching here in America.


Asha’s  Marriage 

We are happy to announce that a former orphan and now young lady named Asha from Love Children’s Home is engaged to get married on April 11th.  Asha arrived at LCH in 2012. She came from a place called Burma Chand, North Andaman. Her village is a six hour walk through the jungle, where there is no electricity, internet, or school. She came from an area that is known for alcohol and drug addiction. But God in His grace delivered her from this and brought her to LCH.  

Asha has been a good student in regular and Bible schools. She has a burning desire to read and study the Bible. She also has a passion to reach her own people group for the Lord. She is a prayer warrior and a passionate soul winner with a vision to help children and youth who struggle with addiction. She is also a wonderful singer and a worship leader. Her future husband’s name is Raj Daniel and is a pastor working within the island church planting network.

They will serve God in the Andaman Islands.  After the wedding they will be released to work in the mission field to transform their people group with the gospel of Jesus Christ. They will also coordinate children’s ministry. 


According to the culture, Raja and Sheeba will provide for her basic household articles like bed, mattress, refrigerator, table, chairs, kitchen utensils, etc. They will also plan, arrange, and pay for all the wedding celebration expenses.

Please pray for Asha and Raj as they begin their life together.


Food For Thought

“I am writing to God’s chosen people who are living as foreigners.”

1 Peter 1:1 NLT


Heaven is our home if we are Christians. We are on earth for a short time as ambassadors for Christ. We are aliens in a foreign land. Make the best of it and number your days!


Prayer Requests

You can be an important part of our ministry by praying for us. Prayer is a weapon of warfare, and we covet your prayers. If you would like us to pray for you, e-mail your prayer requests to us. Please pray for the following:

We thank you, in advance, for praying for the following:

  • Pray for peace in Israel.

  • Pray for your pastors and their families.

  • Pray for the ministry in Kenya.

  • Pray for support for the new church planters in the Andaman Islands.

  • Pray for our own government leaders to use Godly wisdom in decisions.


Ministry Goal

“And their eyes were opened and they recognized Him.” Luke 24:31

We founded Going Global Inc. in 2007 with this ministry goal. It is still our heart today. Thank you for praying and partnering with us. Together, we can do a lot!

Dennis & Robin Nonnemacher


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Help reach orphans, widows, and pastors in remote areas of the world.

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